Disease Prevention Trumps Early Detection Everytime
Dr. McDougal, MD has been is a fixture and thorn in the side of his medical colleagues for decades. He is a vocal dissenter of what he says “passes” for evidenced-based medicine and conventional medical treatment options for common diseases. I’ve been working to educate my patients about the role of a high-fiber plant-based diet that supports good health and prevents disease: for years. Are people still going to get sick or experience chronic health conditions? Sure, but for the vast majority of people by adopting changes in their diet has profound and lasting effects on their health. Give Dr. McD 25 minutes of your time to explain what the science REALLY shows about cancer screening and the over-valued benefits of early detection and why the “Gold Standard” of care can be more dangerous than the disease it seeks to prevent.
As always, I am available to discuss your best options to maintain optimal healthy living. Call or text for an appointment today
Best in Health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac, (Dipl. Ac – NCCAOM)