What is your current remedy for chronic pain? Are you walking around with heating pads on your back or popping pain killers to rid your unceasing migraine? Have you tried adjustments, braces or surgery to address your aches and pains? There are many approaches to dealing with pain. At Alternative Primary Care, David Bibbey, L.Ac offers an alternative method to dealing with pain; it’s called acupuncture.
Modern science provides an evidence-based and scientific explanation of how acupuncture treatments reduce pain and restore function. Stimulating acupuncture points excites the nervous system and causes the body to release its own powerful pain reducing chemicals. Other hormonal changes occur in the spinal cord and brain, which alter how we experience pain and silent inflammation in the body.
At the National Institutes of Health over 18,000 clinical studies have been published on the use of Acupuncture for the treatment of hundreds of health complaints. Over half of those studies have looked at the role of Acupuncture in relieving acute and chronic pain. Overwhelmingly positive results consistently demonstrate that treatment with Acupuncture reduces pain and improves patients’ outcomes. Acupuncture is being used to treat pain and many other aliments at the country’s leading medical centers including, the Mayo Clinic and the Moffit Cancer Center. How lucky are we to have a knowledgeable Acupuncture Physician right here in Citrus County!
If you are looking for a proven, drug-free way to relieve your pain and get back to the things you love and miss, then contact Bibbey. Click here to Book an Appointment Online to plan your free consultation with the doctor.