Pre-Exam Instruction for Thermography Patients July 26th, 2019



Please read the patient preparation instructions carefully and strictly adhere to them.

By not following the preparation closely may cause inaccurate imaging and we will have to reschedule your appointment.

If you have a fever or an illness, including shingles, you need to call and reschedule.

Pre-Appointment Instructions:
  • No use of lotions, creams, powders on day of imaging.
  • No food or caffeine 2 hours prior to appointment (coffee, soda or any caffeine-containing beverage, chocolate, tea)
  • No shaving or other hair removal the day of your appt: Men – shaving of face, Women – shaving underarms and/or legs
  • No use of deodorants or antiperspirants the day of your appt.
  • No physical stimulation or treatment of the breasts, chest, neck, or back for 24 hours before your appt.
  • Do not participate in massage/chiropractic, acupuncture, TENS, physical therapy or electrical muscle stimulation for 48 hours prior to your appt.
  • No exercise 4 hours prior to your appt, (ie: biking) and NO HEAVY upper body lifting 3 days prior. You can go to the gym but do lower body or a treadmill exercise. Pulling muscles in the anterior chest will alter the image results.
  • If bathing, it must be no closer than 1 hour before your appt. No hot tubs for 24 hours before appt.
  • If you are nursing, please try to nurse as far from 1 1/2 to 2 hours before your appt as possible.
  • If you are using pain medications, please avoid taking them for 4 hours prior to your appt. You must consult with the prescribing physician for his or her consent prior to any change in medication use such as this.
What to Expect at Your Screening Appointment
  • When you arrive, you will complete health history forms.
  • During the imaging you will be disrobed from the waist up for imaging.
  • A female technician will perform the imaging.
Answers to Some Common Questions
  • Breast Augmentation does not interfere with thermal imaging.
  • Thermography is perfectly safe to have during pregnancy or when nursing. The procedure may also be performed during any part of the menstrual cycle without effecting the interpretation of the images.
  • Costs: Women’s Breast Health ($250): 2 Regions ($399): Whole Body ($500)
  • Method of Payment: Personal/Business Check or Cash: Sorry NO Credit Cardpayments

If you should have any questions, please feel free to either call the office at: 352-464-1645, or email at:

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.