Eating Salt Could Help Fight Infection, Study Shows

Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to consume an excessive amount of salt. But a new study shows that consuming salt can actually help improve health bysea_salt1 assisting in the fight against infections.

For years the American Heart Association has argued that salt raises blood pressure, thereby increasing the rate of cardiovascular disease. But that position is now being contested.

The aforementioned study, which was led by Jens Titze, a senior researcher at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, shows that sodium can help increase the activity of immune cells that consume microbes. How does this help? The presence of higher levels of sodium could fight certain types of infection, such as the foot infection known as Leishmania major.

To read the rest of the article visit

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.

Source: ActiveBeat Author Published on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Breast Health Screenings – Sign up for Thermography in April.

Click here to see pricing and download flyer.

April 24th is this month’s date that Advanced Thermal Imaging will be visiting Alternative Primary Care to continue providing Breast Health Screenings here at the office.

As you know this type of screening provides highly specific results that identify changes in the body. We are most concerned with pathogenic changes, which may represent early signs of disease, especially cancer. This screening option is readily available in larger cities, but for Citrus County residents you have to travel to Gainesville, Tampa or Orlando. For this reason, I have invited my colleagues with advanced training to provide Thermography Screening on Friday April 24th 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

We fill up fast, and only have so many appointments available, please book early. Online Booking. When filling out the online form, please type into the comment box what time you would like. I will call you to confirm the time you have chosen. Appointments are on the hour starting at 10:00 AM and ending at 3:00 PM. Book online here

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.

Eat this and increase your memory and elevate your mood

Red, orange, green, and brown, this colorful legume is super rich in folate, a type of B vitamin that enhances brain power and increases the dopamine function within brain, to boost both performance and mood.  

Lentils which are rich in Folate, is known to help support production of nervous system function, and particularly, in the production of messaging molecules that are used by nerves to send signals throughout out body. Lentils are also rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B contributes to the production of dopamine. Study’s have shown that decreased dopamine activity is involved in depression.

The list of benefits are long…lentils

Your Heart Loves Lentils – In a study that examined food intake patterns and risk of death from coronary heart disease, researchers followed more than 16,000 middle-aged men in the U.S., Finland, The Netherlands, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Greece and Japan for 25 years. When researchers analyzed this data in relation to the risk of death from heart disease, they found that legumes were associated with a whopping 82% reduction in risk!

More Energy to Burn While Stabilizing Blood Sugar – Lentils have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the heart, and as a soluble fiber. lentils help to stabilize blood sugar levels. If you have insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or diabetes, legumes like lentils can help you balance blood sugar levels and provide steady, slow-burning energy.

Iron for Energy – Lentils can increase your energy by replenishing your iron stores. Particularly those who are more at risk for iron deficiency, boosting iron stores with lentils is a good idea. Unlike red meat, which is also a source of iron, lentils are not rich in fat and calories.

Lentils provide many benefits in addition to increased memory and elevated mood.

For a recipe on Super Easy Lentil Stew visit the website.

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.

Watch another Classic Jack Lulanne here: Work on the neckline


Source for, “study that examined food intake patterns and risk of death from coronary heart disease”:


Classic Jack Lalanne

Jack Lalanne works on the neck line

Jack Lalanne show us how to make our faces look younger

Classic Jack Lalanne show us how to make our faces look younger

This Short Video of Classic Jack is typical of his simple, often entertaining and no-nonsense methods.

I won’t break down the science of this video, enough to say that muscle moment and increase circulation is always good for the skin. Look each week in the side bar of our emails for additional videos.


In the 1970’s Jack Lalanne was America’s fitness guru, exercise and nutritional expert, as well as a motivational speaker. He was often called “the godfather of fitness.

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.

False Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Sadly, many symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Dementia are also symptoms of other conditions that can easily be treated if recognized.

Sometimes Alzheimer’s symptoms are just that, symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s symptoms can also at times be signs of rare brain disorders.

However, over 100 other conditions, from vitamin and hormone deficiencies can mimic Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptoms such as personality changes, loss of memory and confusion can also be side effects from medication. Drugs such as many antihistamines, antianxiety drugs, muscle relaxants and sleeping pills, block the brain chemical acetylcholine, which sends signals in the nervous system. It is the same chemical that many Alzheimer’s medications boost. Cholesterol-reducing statins have also been linked to brain fog in some people. Living with a diagnosis of Dementia or Alzheimer’s is not just challenge for the person with the symptoms or sickness, but the family and loved ones as well. If you have any concerns about sudden personality changes, confusion, brain fog, or memory loss please contact me so we can explore all the possible reasons for the symptoms and determine a course of action.

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.
Call me at 352-464-1645
Contact me online here

Does your breathing determine your lifespan?

According to Wendell Hendricks, (Two-time Nobel Laureate, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research, Hendricks Research Foundation) a new understanding about the causal relationship between our breath and developing cancer has emerged;

“Cancer is a condition within the body where the oxidation has become so depleted that the body cells have degenerated beyond physiological control. Similarly, the true cause of allergy is lowered the oxidation process within the body, causing the affected individual to be sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original high state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated.”

More simply stated, “Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original high state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated”, more simply, proper breathing promotes better health and according to Hendricks, it is only when we restore our breathing to “its original high state of efficiency”, can we truly prevent certain diseases.

Proper breathing can be a natural and effective way to eliminate chronic pain and depression, while reducing the chance of heart attack and lowering stress.

Breathing Well, is one of those ideas that is simple to do, and if you can make it a habit, has a huge payoff. However it is something that is best taught in person. There are three things I recommend to help you breath better.

  • First, let me show you a few basic breathing exercises, something that will be just for you.
  • Second, we can talk about your health, and how nutrition can play a role in helping you stay healthy be aiding in delivering oxygen to your body.
  • Third, if needed, we can use acupuncture to help kick start the process so you are gaining maximum benefit.

You can live without food and water for a short while, but you can’t live more than a few minutes without breathing. Breathing properly is essential to good health.

Come and see me, or recommend a friend who you know can benefit from a “Healthy Breathing – Cellular Oxidation Consultation”.

Best in health,
David Bibbey OL.Ac, (Dipl. Ac – NCCAOM)

Do you have “Wheatbelly”?

“We’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds,” he says. People who ditch wheat are also finding relief from diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, irritable bowel disease, and more. William Davis, author of the bestseller “Wheatbelly”.

The wheat we eat today, is not the wheat that mom ate or the kind of wheat that mom used for wholesome home cooking. Today, agribusiness has genetically engineered wheat turning into a “Frankenwheat”.

Review this short video by Davis that expalines what our wheat has been transformed into, why it is harmful, and the benefits of not eating it. He also discusses the myth of switching to whole grains, although “less harmful” can still contaitne genetically modified wheat and all the damage to your body that comes along with it.

Watch video above

Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac, (Dipl. Ac – NCCAOM)

Winter Skin Care Tips!

As the temperatures drop, the dryer environment combined with the heat indoors allows for dry skin, chapped lips, scaly feet, legs and much more. Cold air lacks humidity so it dries up the natural moister in our skin. Skin also loses 25% of its ability to retain moister in winter months. I’m sure most of you have noticed a change in skin texture, tone and hydration. Here are a few tips to remedy the issues that occur.

  1. Start with DNA moisturizing cleansers. Your summer cleanser may be too drying as an everyday cleanser.
  2. Exfoliate. As the skin on the face dries, which happens more in winter, the dead cells multiply on the surface. I have excellent resurfacing options including the LYCO IONIC JESSNER PEEL, an all-natural peel with potent antioxidant protection from lycopene and red wine.
  3. Moisturize. I recommend Zen Therapy Treatment Gel cocktailed in with your moisturizer to heal the skin, adding powerful peptides and DMAE for collagen and firming benefits.
  4. No hot showers. Especially on the face. Use tepid water only to avoid stripping natural oils.
  5. Gloves on hands. Ask me about booking an appointment for hydrating, lightening skin care for your hands. I call it the “Handcial” which was coined by one of my clients who came to me with concerns about the dark areas that were becoming a little too conspicuous for her liking.

These are just a few of the many options to keep you looking your best during the dryer winter months.
CALL TODAY To make an appointment with Jeane for skin care or a consultation to discuss your concerns at 352-637-7438.

These factors may increase your risk of a hip fracture

A combination of factors may increase your risk of a hip fracture, including:hip_fracture

Any injury of any kind is unwanted and painful.  However, Hip Fractures can be especially debilitating.  A fracture can be unexpected and at an inconvenient or even dangerous time. Living with a hip fracture challenging and often painful.

Here are some of the factors that can lead to hip fractures.

Age.  The rate of hip fractures increases substantially with age. As you age, your bone density and muscle mass both decrease. Older age may also bring vision and balance problems, along with slower reaction time to avoid falling when you feel unsteady. If you’re inactive, your muscles tend to weaken even more as you age. All of these factors combined can increase your risk of a hip fracture.

Your sex. Women lose bone density at a faster rate than men do. The drop in estrogen levels that occurs with menopause accelerates bone loss, increasing the risk of hip fractures. However, men also can develop dangerously low levels of bone density.

Chronic medical conditions. Osteoporosis is the most powerful risk factor for hip fracture, but other medical conditions may lead to fragile bones. These include endocrine disorders, such as an overactive thyroid, and intestinal disorders, which may reduce your absorption of vitamin D and calcium.

Certain medications. Cortisone medications, such as prednisone, can weaken bone if you take them long term. In some cases, certain drugs or the combination of medications can make you dizzy and more prone to falling.

Nutritional problems. Lack of calcium and vitamin D in your diet when you’re young lowers your peak bone mass and increases your risk of fracture later in life. Serious eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, can damage your skeleton by depriving your body of essential nutrients needed for bone building.

Physical inactivity. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, help strengthen bones and muscles, making falls and fractures less likely. If you don’t regularly participate in weight-bearing exercise, you may have lower bone density and weaker bones.

Tobacco and alcohol use. Smoking and drinking alcohol can interfere with the normal processes of bone building and remodeling, resulting in bone loss.

If you feel you may be at risk of hip fracture and would like to discuss preventive measures, or if you have suffered a hip fracture and would like to discuss recovery, please call me at 352-464-1645, or contact me online here: Contact

Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac, (Dipl. Ac – NCCAOM)
