Chronic Spasms – By Louise Norcross, LMT

If you’re like most people, when you use the word “spasm,” you refer to an abrupt, violent contraction of a muscle in your leg, neck or back. The contraction grabs you in an excruciating strangle hold restricting any further movement. That type is an acute spasm. There is another type called chronic spasm. This type of spasm develops over time due to many factors, such as poor, posture, overuse, underuse and just plain abuse to name only a few. The spasm is of low-grade at first, but then continues to tighten until they wrench your muscles into knotted masses increasing pressure within the muscle.

This then results in compression of vessels-arteries, veins, and lymph channels, that course through the muscle and its fascia. The vessels may partially or even completely collapse. It is at this point the muscle is initially damaged.

Muscle cells must have a regular supply of fresh blood delivered to them. This fresh blood is supplied by arteries containing oxygen, water, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, sugars and hormones. When arteries are compressed, enough fresh blood may not reach the muscle, deeming it nutritionally deficient and thus in greater need of nutrition.

Muscles must also be drained of “old” blood and tissue fluid. Veins drain the blood, and lymph channels drain the tissue fluids. The old blood and tissue fluids contain wastes from the muscle’s cells. When the muscle is spastic and its inner pressure increases, the veins and lymph channels, like the arteries are compressed. If the pressure is great enough, they may almost completely collapse. The wastes then back up and stagnate the muscle. If this continues, the wastes poison the muscle.

The inadequate blood supply and wastes damage your muscle’s interior by inflammation. By-products of the inflammation irritate nerve endings, making the muscle painful when you press into it firmly. But unless you press into the muscle, you may not know it’s damaged.

Obviously, then, it is very important to relieve your spasms before they damage muscular tissue.

One of the benefits of receiving therapeutic massage and bodywork is to help to alleviate chronic and acute muscle spasm. Pressure applied into a tight muscle will “milk” it, pushing out stagnant fluid and allowing fresh blood to profuse in that area. This, is why, you may feel light-headed, dizzy, some nausea or a mild headache after a deep tissue massage. The extra-cellular waste accumulated in muscle tissue has been “milked” and sent into the bloodstream. The importance of drinking plenty of water is to help flush this out of your system.

If your interested in therapeutic massage or have questions please call Louise Norcross, LMT at 352-476-5865.

(New client discounts still available)

To learn more about Louise visit:

Article soure: Spasm by Dr. John C. Lowe

There is hope that the planet will be saved by kids born in the new century.

Let me introduce you to one of those young people – 4th grader Zachary Maxwell of NYC. he has a thought provoking story to tell about over-promising, under-delivering, the sizzle and the steak. It’s a story about his everyday experience and encounter with school lunch, but it is also an example of what happens when the performance standards for people in trusted positions are not held to the highest standards of honesty and reliability. Everyone knows when they are being snowed, even 4th graders.

For a preview of this video click the video image below.  For the full length video visit:


Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac.

Pre-Exam Instruction for Thermography Patients July 26th, 2019



Please read the patient preparation instructions carefully and strictly adhere to them.

By not following the preparation closely may cause inaccurate imaging and we will have to reschedule your appointment.

If you have a fever or an illness, including shingles, you need to call and reschedule.

Pre-Appointment Instructions:
  • No use of lotions, creams, powders on day of imaging.
  • No food or caffeine 2 hours prior to appointment (coffee, soda or any caffeine-containing beverage, chocolate, tea)
  • No shaving or other hair removal the day of your appt: Men – shaving of face, Women – shaving underarms and/or legs
  • No use of deodorants or antiperspirants the day of your appt.
  • No physical stimulation or treatment of the breasts, chest, neck, or back for 24 hours before your appt.
  • Do not participate in massage/chiropractic, acupuncture, TENS, physical therapy or electrical muscle stimulation for 48 hours prior to your appt.
  • No exercise 4 hours prior to your appt, (ie: biking) and NO HEAVY upper body lifting 3 days prior. You can go to the gym but do lower body or a treadmill exercise. Pulling muscles in the anterior chest will alter the image results.
  • If bathing, it must be no closer than 1 hour before your appt. No hot tubs for 24 hours before appt.
  • If you are nursing, please try to nurse as far from 1 1/2 to 2 hours before your appt as possible.
  • If you are using pain medications, please avoid taking them for 4 hours prior to your appt. You must consult with the prescribing physician for his or her consent prior to any change in medication use such as this.
What to Expect at Your Screening Appointment
  • When you arrive, you will complete health history forms.
  • During the imaging you will be disrobed from the waist up for imaging.
  • A female technician will perform the imaging.
Answers to Some Common Questions
  • Breast Augmentation does not interfere with thermal imaging.
  • Thermography is perfectly safe to have during pregnancy or when nursing. The procedure may also be performed during any part of the menstrual cycle without effecting the interpretation of the images.
  • Costs: Women’s Breast Health ($250): 2 Regions ($399): Whole Body ($500)
  • Method of Payment: Personal/Business Check or Cash: Sorry NO Credit Cardpayments

If you should have any questions, please feel free to either call the office at: 352-464-1645, or email at:

Best in health,
David Bibbey, L.Ac.

Say Bye-Bye to premature aging, dark circles, puffiness & much more with Anti-Aging Eye Repair Créme!!

Luxuriously rich Anti-Aging Eye Repair Créme™ helps skin rejuvenate at a cellular level! Key natural ingredients help to aid hormone activity to combat free radicals, boost collagen, strengthen and increase skin’s resiliency! Natural antioxidants such as Vitamin K help to diminish signs of premature aging and is unscented (natural fragrances from botanicals removed) for even the most sensitive skin. Benefits include detoxifying, cell regenerative, firming, anti-inflammatory, hydrating, dark circles, puffiness.

Key Features:

  • Diminishes signs of fine line etching.
  • Detoxifies lymphatic congestion.
  • Aids in combating dark circles & puffiness.
  • Multipurpose use, great as a lip treatments & fine lines around mouth.
  • Excellent for the most sensitive skin.
  • Hydrating compounds that protect collagen and elastin.
  • Great when cocktailed or layered with Elasticity Booster.

Lets shine some light on a few extremely effective ingredients:

Sunflower Oil – Organic
Rich in antioxidants & anti-inflammatory properties helping to eliminate premature aging combating free radicals and toxins. Also helps create a protective layer shielding environmental toxins. Linoleic acid working with Omega-6 help cell regeneration & to create radiant, glowing skin.

Wild Yam – Organic
Medical Grade & used in micro amounts in it’s natural form, progesterone aids in providing missing hormonal activity to help create moist, hydrated, healthy, youthful skin. Also suggested to enhance DNA synthesis in skin while restoring skin cells. Other benefits include reducing dark spots, hyper-pigmentation, sun damage.



Red Clover Blossom – Organic
Detoxifies lymphatic congestion aiding in reducing dark circles & puffiness. Slows the aging process of skin due to it’s estrogen-like effects. Also ensures appropriate skin thickness & healthy keratinization & vascularity of skin.



Plantain – Organic
Vitamin K when paired with other anti-aging actives helps fade dark circles like nothing else can. Dark circles often caused by weakened capillaries, vitamin K strengthens & increases circulation and reduces fluid retention for a rejuvenated, bright look.

Borage Oil – Organic
High levels of GLA make this ingredient incredibly hydrating & perfect for sensitive skin. Other benefits for anti-aging such as cell regenerative, firming, soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and revitalizing.



Want to get your own Anti-Aging Eye Repair Créme?
Click here to contact me via our online form, or give us a call. 



A few simply things you can do to protect the health and youthfulness of your skin.

First and foremost; Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen! 

Sunscreen works by blocking and absorbing UV rays through a combination of physical and chemical particles. Physical particles, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are used to reflect UV radiation from the skin.  UVB radiation is the main cause of sunburn and skin cancer.

However, not all sunscreens are created equal.  When you plan on applying sunscreen to your skin, and often, and also relying on it to help prevent cancer, it’s best to know exactly what your using and how it may impact the health of your skin.

You have two general categories to choose from when selecting your skin protection,
Physical Sunscreens or Chemical Sunscreens.

Physical Sunscreens contain active mineral ingredients, such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which work by sitting on top of the skin to deflect and scatter damaging UV rays away from the skin. They are often referred to as physical blockers.

Chemical Sunscreens contain organic (carbon based) compounds, such as oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate and avobenzone, which create a chemical reaction and work by changing UV rays into heat, then releasing that heat from the skin. They are often referred to as chemical or organic absorbers.

The below table will help to demonstration the differences and determine which is best for you..

Protecting the skin barrier is the first step in protecting the overall health and appearance to the skin, as well as slowing down the aging process. Remember plenty of  fluids including water! Water loss of the skin leads to increased inflammation, dehydration, increased sensitivity, redness, itching.

And by the way, don’t forget a wide brimmed protective hat. This goes for both men and women!

Jeanne Synger has been a resident of Citrus County for twenty years and has worked in health care as a Registered Nurse for over twenty-five years.  She received her Skin Care Therapist license in 2006 and is a Certified DNA Practitioner in Stem Cell Therapy.  Ms. Synger continues to receive advanced skin care training at the International Dermal Institute in Orlando, Florida.

Caution: Holiday Eating About To Commence!

Caution Holiday Eating

There are ways to enjoy, but minimize the issues that arise when we are not making the best food choices. Issues like blood sugar, bloating, rapid weight gain and indigestion.

I am not recommending that during the holidays you should stop considering making healthy food choices.  The truth is, that If we are going to splurge a bit, this tends to be the time of the year that we do.

3 Simple things that can make a big difference this Holiday

Eat smaller meals more often. Just because you are going to eat cake or drink eggnog, does not mean you have to make a meal of it.

During holiday parties and events there are always plenty of foods to enjoy. Eat less, eat slower and savor the taste. You might just find that if you stop and really pay attention to that delicious holiday delectable WHILE you eat it, you will get more enjoyment out of half as much, than you would from a whole serving.

Is your meal really a dessert?  Some meals have as much sugar, the wrong fats and low quality wheat, as desserts have.

We are taught to eat a “good meal” before we splurge with dessert. But if that “good meal” turns out to be just like a dessert as far as nutrition goes, maybe you don’t need it, or maybe you can have a much smaller meal. Then when you do have dessert, it won’t be piling dessert on top of dessert. Hey it’s the holidays. In cases like this when your meal is like a dessert, have some fun, and maybe just try dessert for dinner!

Don’t eat too late. Not only do food choices change during the holidays, but our schedules tend to get wrecked as well. Going to bed within an hour or two of eating can upset our stomachs and sleep under normal conditions.  Be very careful not to indulged in foods you normally avoid just before sleep. You might not like the result.

Very little is more important to our health than good nutrition and good food. But when you know that your choices will be limited, and splurging is on the menu, you can still have fun but minimize the impact on the way you feel afterward.

Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac.

Ok, it’s an old cliche but “We are what we eat” has new meaning…

Somehow deep down inside we all know that despite all of the distraction from the simple truth, “We are what we eat.” 

And this applies to ALL of us and Every part of us, from our hormone levels to our joints and from our mood to our appearance.

The quality and quantity of what we eat are directly manifested in how we look and feel. Without my getting too into the do’s and don’ts; ask yourself next time you’re having a meal or snack, “Is this food or is this just edible?…is this sweet or salty”…why am I eating this?…am I hungry or craving this?…does this food choice help or hurt me reach my goals for maintaining healthy weight today?…do I have a goal today?…what is my healthy weight?

For more information watch this video by John McDougal AKA The Plant Guy!

If you are struggling with these questions call me at 352-464-1645.

6 incredible benefits of daily turmeric consumption

Turmeric consumption has numerous health benefits. David Wolfe, otherwise knows as the “Avocado Man, provides some valuable information on 6 of those incredible benefits on his website here: .

He also has a great recipe called the “Turmeric Crush”, which he prepares for us in the below video!

I hope you enjoy!

If you would like some guidance on how to introduce turmeric into your diet give me a call at: 352-464-1645.

Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac.






The awful truth about the Mediterranean diet


This is a quick 10 minute video that addresses some of the common sense questions asked about the Mediterranean Diet. The video also provides interesting insights about the rise in popularity of this familiar diet and its association with health and longevity. After watching you might decide for yourself if the Mediterranean Diet is a safe and healthy choice for you and your family.


Click here to watch the video

Best in health,
David Bibbey L.Ac.

How diet change saved President Clinton’s life…


It’s never too late to teach old dogs new tricks. What we can all learn from simple diet changes.

Here is a video of the story of how former US President Bill Clinton made significant changes in his diet and health after suffering from heart disease in this interview with David Letterman. “When you get to be our age, all you got left is bright clothes and BS,” said Clinton to Letterman, adding, “and you’ve got a corner on the BS market.” Both Letterman and Clinton had fairly invasive heart surgery. Clinton talks about having given up meat and dairy. Clinton credits those dietary changes with saving his life.

Click here to watch the video.